Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We arrived at NYSUM SAFELY!!!!

Hurray! We are in Queens! We arrived safely at NYSUM today at 2:45pm. We got our stuff in our rooms, picked bunks, and then headed right to orientation. At orientation we got to understanding of what exactly NYSUM does, and all the rules we need to follow here.

After our hearty spaghetti dinner, we took the Subway to the Brooklyn Tabernacle. For those of you who haven’t heard of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, it is a very large, beautiful church that has been founded on Prayer. They started a Tuesday night prayer meeting years ago, with just a couple people. Now hundreds of people come out each Tuesday night to pray. Actually there was probably about 1500 people just to pray and worship God. It was really powerful and encouraging. The pastor spoke a brief 10 min. message on giving of yourself. He said that as we step out of our comfort zones and “pour out” ourselves, God then pours into us and through us. It was really encouraging cause it was exactly what we needed to hear. Another cool thing was that the worship pastor opened the service with the same scripture reading as Pastor John Shared on Sunday Night. Cause of that, all the kids know that even though Costa Rica didn't work out, this is where we are suppose to serve. We got back to NYSUM around 10:45 and had a time to talk together as a group about our day, and the service. And now it is time to call it a day.

Please pray for Strength - especially the leaders. We will probably only get 5 or 6 hours sleep a night!

Pray for the Kids as the serve the VBS service tomorrow, and as we go out to the Homeless shelter tomorrow night.

Pray for saftey, and wisdom for all of us. Pray for more of his Holy Spirit to empower us.

I was reminded of a saying based on Romans 8...."God doesn't Call the Equipped, but Equips the Called!!!" May Jesus Equip us for what he has planned tomorrow!

As I mentioned before, if you have any encouraging words for someone on the team, or the whole team, email it to me at devin@thce.org.

1 comment:

  1. God is definitely equipping those he called on this trip to do the work of His Kingdom from the reports & posts I'm reading. Keep up the God work. May God continue to bless & protect you all on this trip.
