Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We pulled into the church on Monday Night at 10:20pm. It is a bittersweet feeling as it is great to be home, seeing and spending time with the family, have my own room back, etc. But it was such a great time with the youth and leaders of this team, that I miss them already. I am praying that the revelation that God gave to us, and the impression God's spirit made on us would not end, but would have a lasting impact. Please pray that God would seal the hearts of the students as they enter back into the real world.

Also, if you are planning on attending the Shareholders Banquet on August 23rd at 6pm, please email me at to RSVP

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting while on the trip, Devin! It was neat reading about what my brother was up to all week :-) see you soon and hope all is well!
